I’m getting this error with my XML: The file couldn’t be opened because it isn’t in the correct format.
I’ve exported the XML in both version 1.11 and 1.12, and neither is working. I can confirm the XMLs open fine when I import back into Final Cut, so they’re not corrupt.
It looks like there is a FCPXMLD inside the FCPXMLD, we are looking into how we can support that. In the meantime if you look inside Rough-Cuts_Full-Doc_V13_1.12.fcpxmld you will see Rough Cuts_Full Doc_V13_1.12.fcpxmld, if you process this lower level folder instead you will be able to create an AAF, I can here.
Just as an update we had looked at and resolved previously where the actual xmld was inside another xmld, i.e. one layer deep but your example is 2 layers deep to get to the actual xmld.
What version of FCPXML are you trying to open and what version of FCP are you running? Please upload a sample which will not open and we can check it for you.