Pro audio workflow tool that integrates Final Cut Pro projects with Avid Pro Tools
Translates audio timelines with cuts, transitions, levels, gain, fade handles and compound clips
Introducing X2Pro5
Marquis’ new X2Pro5 software has been designed to integrate Final Cut Pro projects into a professional audio workflow, enabling Avid Pro Tools to be used for audio finishing. It works by converting the exported Final Cut Pro XML into an AAF file, which Avid Pro Tools can then open as a session, delivering seamless integration between the two applications.
Seamless integration from your Final Cut Pro project into Avid Pro Tools for audio finishingCONVERTS XML INTO AAF FILE
Converts FCP XML into AAF file that Pro Tools can open as a session, delivering seamless integration between applications
Choose how FCP audio roles are converted to Pro Tools tracks, allowing sound designers to start working immediately
Media can be embedded in the AAF and trimmed with handles to minimise file size, creating a single, simple-to-transfer file
X2Pro5 faithfully translates your audio timeline along with L-cuts, J-cuts, transitions, levels, automatic gain, fade handles and compound clipsAUDIO FORMATS
Audio media can be any QuickTime-supported audio, with non-PCM audio converted to PCM at either 16- or 24-bit
Video overview
Watch our short video below (no audio) to be taken through the setup of X2Pro5:

Widely used
17,000+ X2Pro units sold
FCP audio timeline to AAF
any QuickTime-supported audio
Simple user interface
X2Pro5 features a straightforward user interface that's easy to customise, with four tabs for Project, Roles, Media Location and Options. All the information needed to run a job is contained within the user interface – choose whether to include disabled or inactive clips in the export, for example, or perhaps select the length of frame handles.
The Projects tab allows you to set which XML will be processed and where to create the outputted AAF. Simply drag and drop the required items into the respective section in the user interface.
X2Pro5 provides simple role management, allowing users to choose which roles to include or exclude, which sub roles to merge, and how roles should be ordered, along with global settings for quick selection.
Media locations
X2Pro5 requires access to all the possible locations where media used within a project might be stored. To provide this, simply drag and drop locations into the window, or triple-click to remove an item.
Select any additional options here, including whether to embed media or reference paths to the media. X2Pro translates audio timelines with cuts, transitions, levels, gain, fade handles and compound clips.
X2Pro5 customer testimonials
X2Pro5 is simple to set up and gives me full control over all the options for my export to Pro Tools. It is an essential part of our feature film workflows and was successfully used on all our productions.