Dear Zero,
Many Apologies, there was an issue with the forum in that we had no notification that you had posted. The issue you are seeing is that the FCPXML you have references an asset r336 which is either badly marked in the XML or is not what it says it is when we try to extract it. We would need to look at the FCPXML if possible and we could see if we could manually modify by removing r336. Alternatively you can force X2pro to generate an AAF even if media is missing, this is an engineering function as we then cannot be sure we have created the AAF as it should be. If you are interested in do doing this please let us know and we will forward details. Similarly if you can attach the FCPXML that would be fab.
Once again sincere apologies for not responding earlier.
Yours Sincerely
This reply was modified 9 months ago by James Carrick.