Reply To: Error Code 0x1 – Wrong Number of Data Buffers

Forums X2Pro5 forum Error Code 0x1 – Wrong Number of Data Buffers Reply To: Error Code 0x1 – Wrong Number of Data Buffers

James Carrick

    Dear Jess,

    Have looked in the FCPXML and there is an asset r198, which is “” which is located in ///Volumes/British%20Museum%20BACK%20UP%202/BritishMuseum_Razzall_180923%20-%20MASTER.fcpbundle/GFX%20-%20test/Original%20Media

    It is described as duration=”149100/2500s” hasVideo=”1″ format=”r1″ hasAudio=”1″ videoSources=”1″ audioSources=”3″ audioChannels=”2″ audioRate=”48000″.

    I think what we have is a discrepancy between how the FCPXML describes it and how it actually is.

    Will mail you a link to upload the clip in question and we can investigate.

    Yours Sincerely


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