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  • #852

      I have a — difficult timeline. We’ve had issue with multiple editors and duplicate clips over multiple drives. It’s what I’ve inherited. I have a locked timeline. Have deleted all video assets, so it’s audio only. And I’ve relinked to all missing audio.

      But I’m getting the “no valid media’ error.

      Far as I can tell, it’s because we have multicams for each day. So one long shoot day, 1 long multicam clip. and we only used parts. So parts of that multicam are offline… but we’re not using those segments. So no clue why they are in the XML but they seem to be.

      Why can’t X2P simply generate an error log — “these clips are missing… we did what we could with what we could find” — and let me deliver that to the audio facility? At least give it as an option. Instead, 1 error shuts the entire process down. And if I fix it… there may well be another error to come. Very frustrating limitation.

      Any suggestions on how to fix, and can you add that “log error and keep going” option in the near future please?


        Bump. Could really use some help on this.

        Tim Robson

          Given the odd multiple disk and editor creation it might simply be that there are still links in the XML which can’t actually be resolved, you should try re-importing the XML to FCPX and forcing it to relink to the media that is actually present, this should then contain only correct references and should export to X2Pro5 as a good XML.


            Well this was a nightmare to get past. But it seems much of the issue had to do with multicam clips that were not linked to. But we were not using them.

            is there any plan to have X2Pro learn to log errors and move past them? I’d rather have an incomplete AAF and deal with the holes, than have it do nothing.

            And the worst part is, it only gives one error at a time. So if I fix that error, the next pass brings up a new error. That I could have fixed while I was fixing the first one.

            I’m happy to pay for major software upgrades, but this seems like something that should have been improved in this version. As it stands, it’s a really problematic error reporting mechanism.

            James Carrick

              Dear Filmyak,

              Have raised a feature request with the Product Manager (Force creation of AAF – 11028).

              If anyone else wants to this functionality then it would help if you could please add to this thread.

              Yours Sincerely


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