Media location issue

Forums X2Pro5 forum Media location issue

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  • #840

      Every time I create a new AAF, I need to reset my media location.

      And the add button didn’t have function, only drag the disk icon work.

      You can see the YouTube link below.


      MAC PRO 2019
      16 CORE 3.2 GHz
      macOS 14.5

      • This topic was modified 7 months, 3 weeks ago by TY.
      James Carrick

        Dear TY

        Regarding the issue of the + button on the Media Location tab, we understand what is going on and how to resolve. In the change between Ventura and Sonoma the code needed to be adapted to be able to use the + button due to sandboxing changes between the two OS’s. We applied the change to the + buttons on the Projects tab of the application but did not apply this change to the Media Locations tab. It will be in the next build.

        We are struggling to reproduce the issue of resetting of the Media Location after an export, will keep trying and let you know.

        Yours Sincerely


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