Error code: 0x80000004

Forums X2Pro5 forum Error code: 0x80000004

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  • #462
    James Carrick

      Creating AAF Audio File
      Opening AAF File (please ensure that the filename and directory are valid)
      Error code: 0x80000004

      If you get the above error message when attempting to create an AAF, even though the application does appear to be configured and have rights to the Destination AAF Folder in the Project Tab, it can temporarily loose it.

      The fix for this is to give X2pro5 “Full Disk Access” in “Privacy & Security”. This will allow Browsing and Drag & Drop to the destination folder to work properly.

      Alternatively you may find just adding the location again (drag n drop) or use the browse to re-submit it will resolve.

      • This topic was modified 11 months, 3 weeks ago by James Carrick.
      • This topic was modified 10 months, 2 weeks ago by Noel Jones.
      • This topic was modified 10 months, 1 week ago by James Carrick.
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      Tim Robson

        Can you tell me the full name and path for the AAF file that it is trying to create? The error may relate to this rather than permissions.

        Tim Robson

          The console log shows that sandboxing is denying us the right to create an AAF file in the output location. As the forum post says the normal fix for that is to drag or browse to the output location again. They are running Sonoma and the sandboxing on that is even more aggressive than previous versions of the OS. It also has a strange behaviour where you can get different results by dragging or browsing for locations so it’s worth trying both.

          Tim Robson

            We have identified this as being due to a sandboxing change in recent Sonoma builds (14.3 and later but we don’t know about 14.2) The problem does not appear to be present in 14.1 and earlier OS builds.


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              Noel Jones


                The fix for this issue is to Drag the Folder you want your AAF written to, into the “Destination AAF Folder” in X2pro5 (Project tab).

                Please give this a try.

                I’ve tested it on my Mac running 14.4 and it works.
                If you use the Browse (within X2pro5 > Projects) to the Destination folder you will still get the error message.

                If however, you give X2pro5 “Full Disk Access” in “Privacy & Security” and then Browse the the Destination folder from X2pro5, it will also work.

                Hope this helps.

                • This reply was modified 10 months, 2 weeks ago by Noel Jones.
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