Unable to add Media Locations after Sonoma upgrade

Forums X2Pro5 forum Unable to add Media Locations after Sonoma upgrade

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  • #1022
    dev benegal

      Hi James,

      This one also gives me the same error message. I wonder if I should re-create that pesky folder and move all the files there, and then relink them in the tineline? Seems like a brute force solution. Wonder why the XML is still “remembering / recalling” an old deleted folder.

      However, I was able to select one role and export the WAV file. All other roles (when selected separately) popped up an error message.

      Best wishes,

      – dev

      James Carrick

        Hi Dev,

        To confirm is the fcpxml you are trying to process one that was modified at 14.15 today if you looked at its details.

        Many thanks.


        dev benegal

          Hi James,

          Yes. That’s the one. The file is titled info.xml

          Best wishes,

          – dev

          dev benegal

            Hi James,

            This is a Final Cut problem it seems. There’s some issue with the way it outputs an XML. If I look at the XML it still has references to files which are not in the timeline or folders. (specifically the Proxy Folder FCP created)

            I’m going to ask on the FCP Discord if anyone has a solution.

            Thank You

            – dev

            dev benegal

              Hi James,

              I am making a new Library and seeing if that helps.
              Another suggestion was to make an alias of the Media Folder and rename it Proxy.

              Finally, one suggestion is to have an ignore button in X2Pro.
              Would that be possible as an option in the preferences?

              Thank You

              – dev

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