Reply To: Having issues with audio drift with Multicam heavy project

Forums X2Pro5 forum Having issues with audio drift with Multicam heavy project Reply To: Having issues with audio drift with Multicam heavy project

James Carrick

    Dear Pradeep

    When processing the XML you would have been advised of warnings where re-timings and conform rates had been used. Essentially FCP tries to be clever, and it is by automatically re-timing a clip that was at 24fps in a 25 fps project. You should have a note about the start time in the AAF of every re-timed clip, now the start time will be whatever it was in the original XML project and you will then have to apply an audio effect in ProTools to squish it or pull it little. If however the start times have drifted then yes that is something we need to look at.

    Hope the above helps, below is a better description of conformed / re-timed clips.

    A conformed clip is one that FCP has automatically re-timed because the frame rate of the clips was very close to the frame rate of the project. For example, when a 23.98fps clip is used in a 25fps project, FCP will play the clip at just over 104% speed. FCP does not alert the user when it conforms clips. X2Pro5 doesn’t support retiming or conforming, and clips will be at the original speed in the AAF. This is likely to cause a sync issue, so if any clips were retimed/conformed, the conversion report will list each one along with the time code where it appears in the project so that the audio finisher knows what to look for when they open the AAF.

    Yours Sincerely


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